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Group members

Group members at Colorado State University

Michael DeCaria: PhD student, Understanding warm marine stratocumulus clouds using nonlinear causal discovery

Kyle Shackelford: PhD student, Rain-layer formation dynamics and feedback to atmosphere, co-supervised with Charlotte DeMott

Michelle Kanipe: PhD student, Understanding cloud morphology and aggregation using ensembles of simple box cloud models and dynamical systems theory

Hao-Lun Yeh: PhD student, Exploring nonlinear data assimilation to find the causal pathways of the Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange.

Yu-An Chen: PhD student, Hurricane Dynamics and Predictability: Coupling boundary-layer to cloud observations in a Nonlinear Data Assimilation Framework.

Peng-Xiang Lai: PhD student, Inferring coupled ocean-atmosphere model errors using data assimilation

Former Group members at Colorado State University

Chih-Chi Hu: PhD student, Particle Flow Filters for intense weather events, Now at GFDL.

Ross Heikes: Programmer, MOM6 ocean model grid adaptation and coupling MOM6 to data-assimilation framework JEDI, co-supervised with Sue Van Den Heever

Dandan Tao: Postdoc, Hurricane data assimilation to understand physical influence of high-density radar and drop sonde observations, co-supervised with Michael Bell, now at University of Bergen, Norway.

Former Group members at the University of Reading, Reading, UK

Mart Ratas: Postdoc Information flow in complex systems

Anne Pein: Postdoc Model error estimation in weak-constraint 4Dvar

Femi Kolade: Programmer, implementation of the Particle Flow Filter/Smoother in JEDI

Javier Amezcua: Postdoc, Data assimilation methodology, Ensemble smoothers with model errors.

Polly Smith: PostdocTwo-stage Particle Filters

Nachiketa Chakraborty: Postdoc, Bayesian Inference for Causal discovery

Maria Broadridge: Programmer, PDAF expert, Coupling NEMO and CICE to PDAF

Ieva Dauzickaite PhD student, Efficient optimization for 4DVar using randomized vectors for preconditioning, co-supervised with Amos Lawless and Jennifer Scott.

Haonan Ren: PhD student, Ensemble smoothers with time correlated model errors, co-supervised with Javier Amezcua

Nick Williams: PhD student, Sea-ice data assimilation to understand sea-ice retreat, co-supervised with Danny Feltham and Ross Bannister.

Anne Walter: PhD student, Particle filters in numerical weather prediction, co-supervised with Roland Potthast (Deutsche Wetterdienst)